Fahad Alsharif
Socioeconomics Program

Dr. Fahad L. Al Ghalib Alsharif is a Senior Research Fellow at KFCRIS. He joined KFCRIS in October 2016. Between 2017 and 2018, he conducted a research project entitled "Skill Development and Job Creation in Saudi Arabia: An Assessment of King Abdullah Scholarship Program (KASP) in Light of the Saudi National Transformation Program" with Abdul Ghaffar Mughal and Ina Ganguli with a research grant provided by Saudi Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) and John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University (Harvard Kennedy School). His current research interests include international studies, public policy, labor migration, education, the empowerment of women, and the Saudi labor force.
Recently, he was appointed to the Advisory Board of the Gulf Labor Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Program. Before joining KFCRIS, he worked as an independent consultant at various public and private agencies. He obtained his PhD in Political Economy from University of Exeter, his MSc in Administration specializing in Management from Lindenwood University, and his BSc in Business Administration from University of San Francisco.
Publications at KFCRIS
"Kafala Sponsorship Reforms in Saudi Arabia: Converging toward International Labor Standards," Commentary, 2021.
"Empowering Women: Educational Programs and Reforms in the New Diversified Saudi Arabian Economy," Dirasat, 2019.
"City of Dreams, Disappointments, and Optimism: The Case of Nine African Undocumented Migrants Communities in the City of Jeddah," Dirasat, 2018.
Sa‘udi Policies towards Migrants and Refugees: A Sacred Duty. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press; Riyadh: King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies. (Co-authored with Joseph A. Kéchichian)
Major Works
"Crowdsourcing Facts in Conflicts: Towards a Truth-Telling Mechanism to Counter Fake News," The International Journal of Humanitarian Studies, 2021. (Co-authored with Manuel Schubert)
"Undocumented Migrants in Saudi Arabia: COVID‐19 and Amnesty Reforms," International Migration, 2021.
"Migration and the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Gulf: A Study of Foreign Expatriate Worker Communities' Coping Attitudes, Practices, and Future Prospects in Dubai and Jeddah," Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2020. (Co-authored with Froilan Malit)
"The G2020 Protocol on Forced Migration: A New Approach to Solve the Burden-Sharing Problem of Forced Migration and Ensure Lives in Safety and Dignity," Saudi T20 Policy Brief, 2020. (Co-authored with Manuel Schubert)
“Calculated Risks, Agonies, and Hopes: A Comparative Case Study of the Yemeni and Filipino Undocumented Migrant Communities in Jeddah,” in Philippe Fargues and Nasra Shah (eds.), Skilful Survivals: Irregular Migration to the Gulf (Cambridge: Gulf Research Center, 2017).