Qira'at (KFCRIS Humanities Papers)

Ahmad al-Qushashi was the most dominant Sufi scholar in seventeenth-century Ottoman Hijaz. He is depicted as merciful to other people in many biographical sources and writings, and his support for coffee culture was predicated on his concern for the economic welfare of the inhabitants of the Hijaz, who benefited from the production of coffee. His role in spreading knowledge as far as Indonesia cannot be ignored. Most later renowned Sufis and hadith scholars, to whom some modern historians refer as the proponents of “Islamic revival and reform,” transmitted certificates from Ibrahim al-Kurani (d. 1690) that originated in al-Qushashi’s
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The term “Huizu” is the formal name of the Hui–Hui zu (Hui–Hui ethnic group) in contemporary China. It is derived from the Chinese Pinyin transcrip on system, deriving from the pronuncia ons of two separate Chinese characters for the words “Hui” and “zu,” each of which possesses an independent meaning, but which obtain a new meaning when they are combined to form “Huizu” (following the normal pa ern of Chinese word forma on). The former syllable is an abbrevia on of “Hui–Hui,” a term referring to an ethnic group that emerged from the Xiyu (the Western Regions beyond present– day Xinjiang) from the mid&ndas
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English Translation is Currently Unavailable 
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