Roundtable: More than Containment? Europe’s Policy Options in the Middle East
| 2017-03-13
164th Bergedorf Round Table: More than Containment? Europe’s Policy Options in the Middle East
Session 1: Hegemony by Default? Saudi Arabia’s Role in the Middle East
Session 2: Conflict Management in the Middle East: Exploring Avenues for Saudi-European Cooperation
Lunch: A ‘Westphalia” for the Middle East? Historical Lessons for a Future Peace in the Middle East
Session 3: Bridging the Gulf in the Gulf: Towards a Comprehensive Security Architecture
The purpose of the Round Table is to make a meaningful contribution to mutual understanding in international politics and to promote open dialogue among the high-profile participants. Members of the European delegation include Former Federal President Christian Wulff and other high-profile politicians, senior members of administration, and eminent thought-leaders from academia and media from Germany and Europe. The Saudi group of participants consists of senior officials, members of the ShuhraCouncil as well as distinguished scholars.