Visiting Fellowship Application Evaluation Form

  • The Visiting Fellow Program values your help in evaluating the program.
  • Please do not disclose any information that can indicate your identity in this questionnaire.
  • Please do not disclose any information that can indicate your identity in this questionnaire.
# Phrase Strongly Disagree Disagree Not sure Agree strongly agree
1 The Center has arranged for my arrival and departure
2 Attended an Orientation meeting
3 Felt very welcome in the workplace
4 Working environment was positive and encouraging
5 Research Department and I were able to clearly identify the objectives of my research visit at the start of the program
6 Found positive response from the Research Department when I needed support
7 Visit was challenging and mentally stimulating
8 I think that this research program is useful for my work
9 My goals in joining this program were achieved
10 I may advise another researcher to apply to this program