
# 研究员姓名 研究课题
1 马赫迪·巴利亚赫 马穆鲁克时期的军事战争与这一时期的圣战思想
2 辻上奈美恵 沙特女性作为新的社会参与力量
3 Tupiaz Zumbrakil Climate Policy and environmental protection in the Arabian Peninsula
4 Janice Gyong A supplementary study on dispersion and convergance in all external networks in the Hijaz in particular
5 Takuya Murakami Analysis of the formation of coalitions in the Arabian Gulf region
7 Shikito Kondo Economic reform and diplomacy in Saudi Arabia
8 Hesham Al-Ghannam Economic reform and diplomacy in Saudi Arabia
9 Faisal Abdullah The early development of Hanafi Usul al-Fiqh
10 Michel Nastase Production of documentary film: architectural projects and cities in the Arabian Gulf region
11 Leda Mansour Use and discourse in social media (Twitter)